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We may need to look critically at the results of our recent efforts. As reflective Mercury turns retrograde at 12:56 am EDT, problems we'd thought were resolved might pop up demanding additional attention. When sensual Venus confronts scheming Pluto, perhaps we'll have to admit that the facts facing us aren't exactly what we'd hoped would be true. Still, as the candid Moon passes into Virgo and conjoins Venus, there could be some positive surprises too! We must try to stay as grounded as possible.
A lively mood is likely at this time. The refreshing New Moon strikes in flamboyant Leo at 7:13 am EDT, carrying the potential for both entertainment and drama. As theatrical Venus in Leo tangles with confusing Neptune, what we see might not be the whole story -- a seemingly petty conflict that escalates out of proportion may have more to it behind the scenes. After Venus moves into grounded Virgo, devoting thoughtful attention to our physical needs should help soothe any wounded egos.
We may know more than we think we do at the moment. As the emotional Cancer Moon trines psychic Neptune, logic isn't the only tool in the box -- we're more than competent at picking up valid information through our intuition. In contrast, using it responsibly could be a challenge when Luna enters passionate Leo at 7:10 am EDT and opposes manipulative Pluto shortly thereafter. It's our duty to strive to understand ourselves, but we should avoid poking our noses into everyone else's private affairs.
Excitement is on the menu throughout the day. As passionate Venus squares wild Uranus at 9:27 am EDT, we might be tempted to abandon boring plans in favor of unexpected opportunities to pursue pleasure. That said, while the sensitive Cancer Moon engages with responsible Saturn and touchy Chiron, decisions of this sort aren't guaranteed to be universally popular -- some could interpret cancellation as a personal rejection. We should treat others how we would want to be treated, even if we think they're being unreasonable.
Our hearts and our minds could be in conflict today. When the nurturing Cancer Moon tangles with big-picture Pluto in logical Aquarius at 12:31 am EDT, we may clearly intuit what's necessary to do right by the people around us. However, the fear that following our feelings won't be efficient enough will potentially hinder us. As Luna goes on to sextile thoughtful Mercury, finding a middle ground might be possible if we put in the effort. We shouldn't reject any promising inspirations too easily.
Everything may not be as it seems. The emotional Moon is at odds with serious Saturn, so disappointment or an abundance of responsibility could wear us out and make it harder to relax. Thankfully, Luna blends well with friendly Venus, encouraging us to reach out for friendship from those around us and offering sparks of creativity. That said, a lack of clarity can set off emotional confusion when the Moon squares perplexing Neptune at 10:46 pm EDT. Decision-making might require extra careful thought.
Our inner fires are crackling to life. As the intuitive Moon works hand-in-hand with passionate Mars in intellectual Gemini, we're ready to follow our gut instincts -- though we may be more easily irritated as well. Social Venus trines cautious Chiron at 3:54 pm EDT, providing opportunities for healing through connection and creativity. To wrap things up, the Moon conjoins abundant Jupiter, amplifying emotional reactions while improving our luck and expanding our horizons. Make sure to rest to avoid getting burnt out!
Change is knocking at the door. As the intuitive Moon conjoins innovative Uranus in stable Taurus at 11:47 am EDT, we can expect an abundance of inspiration, care, and opportunities for bringing in revenue. When the Moon moves into open-minded Gemini, it becomes easier to think through our feelings and figure out why we feel what we feel. Later on, the Moon soothes transformative Pluto, making it easier to both create and accept change in our lives. Let the eureka moment happen!
It's our chance to kick back and relax! While Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron are all retrograde, we're experiencing a bit of a slowdown. That's just fine, especially as the intuitive Moon sextiles stoic Saturn. It's a great day to get your life organized by going back over past projects or tasks that you've been meaning to get to but haven't had time, or to catch up on rest after a long period of twists and turns. We can make progress without starting new things.
Digging in our heels can lead to butting heads. The intuitive Moon enters sensual Taurus at 1:23 pm EDT, gently tugging us down to earth, but possibly heightening our stubbornness. The Moon then snaps at intense Pluto, bringing chaos out of the blue and making it difficult to avoid change, which can get even more challenging with the steadfast Taurus energy. The Moon also trines Mercury to let communication and change flow in, without quite as much resistance. After all, what we resist, persists.