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Questionnaire: Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic candidate for U.S. House District 25

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Democratic candidate for U.S. House District 25. (courtesy, Debbie Wasserman Schultz)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Democratic candidate for U.S. House District 25. (courtesy, Debbie Wasserman Schultz)

Name: Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Campaign website:

Date, place of birth: September 27, 1966, Forest Hills, NY

Education: B.A., Political Science, University of Florida, 1988
M.A., Political Science, University of Florida, 1990
Occupation: Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Florida’s 25th Congressional District

Work history for the past 15 years, starting with the most recent. 
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (2005-Present)
Chair of the Democratic National Committee (2011-2016)

Why are you running for this office, and what specifically makes you a better candidate than your opponent? 
I ran and continue to run for Congress because I believe that one person can make a difference. From fighting climate change, expanding quality affordable health care access, and preventing gun violence, to reducing income inequality, racial injustice, and providing greater economic opportunity for all Americans, we have a lot of work to do. And I intend to continue to advance these important goals with my voice and my vote. We also need to address the extremist Republican attacks on our democracy and women’s reproductive rights. Republican leaders have provided no solutions to America’s pressing problems. In fact, they have made them worse. The last thing we need is to adopt their plans to raise taxes and sunset Medicare and Social Security. I’ll continue to tackle every one of those threats and challenges in Washington, including pursuit of policies that protect and promote democracy, both at home and abroad. My work ethic, experience and colleagues’ respect allow me to leverage this Congressional seat into a position that gives my South Florida constituents the additional influence that comes with serving as the Ranking Member on the Appropriations’ Committee on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee. This Congress, I have expanded my influence and impact as a member of the Democratic Leadership team, appointed by Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, where I serve as a Co-Chair of the Steering and Policy Committee. These roles have resulted in bringing home hundreds of millions in federal funds for vital local needs, from flooding prevention and police cameras to road construction, medical research and multimodal projects. I am campaigning on my strong record of making life better for folks back home, including helping deliver nearly $1.5 billion for Everglades restoration. This isn’t about my opponents. My candidacy is about doing the hard work in Congress and getting results for South Florida.

What are the three most important issues facing this congressional district?
The top issues facing our nation are preserving our democracy, lowering health care costs, and addressing threats to women’s reproductive rights.

Our democracy is at risk from internal and external forces. At the state level, led by Governor DeSantis, we see gerrymandered districts, voter and academic suppression that includes book and speech bans, unprecedented attacks on our LGBTQ+ community, attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion programs, and a relentless assault on the free press. Federally, led by Trump loyalists, we now have an extreme, corrupted Supreme Court majority who prioritizes right-wing ideology over individual freedom, and too many elected officials who refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election. That political landscape, fed by fictitious propaganda, fans the flames of autocracy. Staying silent is not an option. I will continue to speak out and promote legislation to bolster our democracy.

Secondly, we must continue to build on the all-time highpoint of Americans covered by quality health care, which was delivered by the Affordable Care Act. I proudly helped pass this landmark legislation, and in that same spirit, voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, which requires drug companies to negotiate with Medicare on drug prices, and bolsters the ACA. Countless seniors on fixed incomes will see vital monthly budget savings due to this law.

Another top policy priority is combating the extremist Republican assaults on women’s reproductive rights. Women should not be forced into pregnancy by the government. This is a decision between a woman, her doctor, and her family. The same extremist Republicans who confiscated these rights are now following through on threats to IVF, contraception and imposing a national abortion ban. I will continue to defend women’s freedoms and do all I can to pass Amendment 4 on Florida’s ballot to reclaim these rights that were once protected in our state Constitution.

What more should America be doing to protect our environment and critical ecosystems?
I proudly supported the largest climate policy and investment package ever, the Inflation Reduction Act, which has supercharged replacing damaging fossil fuels, created tens of thousands of clean-energy jobs and invested in critical air, water monitoring and pollution reduction efforts. We must overcome MAGA Republican resistance to confront climate threats and continue to build on this historic momentum. Rising sea levels and extreme heat and weather events impact South Florida already and will cost local taxpayers dearly if we fail to address these challenges right now. I have made this a key focus of my efforts to deliver federal dollars to our community, whether it’s through coastal reef research, local flooding prevention or helping secure historic funding for restoration of the Everglades, an environmental jewel and critical resource for South Florida’s drinking water needs.

What is your opinion of how Israel has conducted its military operations in Gaza?
The near-impossible reality for Israel in responding to the unprovoked act of war Hamas committed against it is that the ensuing theater is underground. Instead of constructing needed civic infrastructure, for years, Hamas built hundreds of miles of tunnels where they imprison hostages and store weapons, make missiles, stage attacks and maintain oppressive control over Gaza’s people. This requires Israel to dismantle subterranean terrorist facilities under hospitals, schools and U.N. relief sites. Let’s not forget that Hamas, a terrorist enemy sworn to destroy Israel and Jews, nakedly states they martyr civilians and intentionally positions them in harm’s way because they believe it’s advantageous to their narrative. This sinister, atypical form of enemy engagement — by Hamas’ design — results in tragic civilian fatalities. Nonetheless, Israel is held to an unreasonable standard of wartime casualties that is unprecedented in modern defensive conflicts. As others have noted, the reality Israel faces is Hamas treats Gazan civilians as “human ammunition.” Regardless, I agree with the Biden Administration, who has encouraged Israel to allow necessary levels of humanitarian aid, and to deploy more targeted military offensives that build upon Israel’s ongoing efforts to minimize civilian casualties. I wish for nothing more than the liberation of the Gazan people from Hamas’ iron grip, the immediate return of hostages, the long-term security of the Israeli people, and to quickly end the needless death that has unfolded since Oct. 7th.

Do you support or oppose the Florida abortion rights measure known as Amendment 4, and why? 
Yes, since Donald Trump “proudly” overturned Roe v. Wade, more than 1 in 3 women now live under cruel abortion bans nationwide. Here in Florida, women now confront an abortion ban. But there are many ways we can protect or take back our stolen and threatened freedoms. One is to pass Amendment 4 in Florida. Passing it would undo Florida’s near-total abortion ban, which allows the government to interfere in decisions before many women even realize they are pregnant and doesn’t have real exceptions. And it shouldn’t stop there. While a majority of Florida’s Supreme Court voted to put Amendment 4 on the ballot, Justices Renatha Frances and Meredith Sasso both tried to block our vote on this issue. Both are up for retention Nov. 5th, and neither deserves to keep their seat.

Do you support or oppose reinstating the federal assault weapons ban? What other changes would you support to reduce gun violence in the U.S.?
Yes, I support the reinstatement of the federal assault weapons ban. The proliferation of guns has resulted in an explosion of firearm deaths, including being the leading killer of our children. The extremist gun policies dictated by NRA-obedient Republican leaders defy the widespread public desire for reforms. The Safer Communities Act, which I proudly voted for, will save lives. But we shouldn’t stop there. We must also ban assault weapons, pass safe storage laws, and expand background checks. My Jaime’s Law legislation, for instance, is a commonsense bicameral proposal that would require instant background checks to fully enforce federal law barring criminals — from buying guns as well as ammunition.

Did Joe Biden legitimately win the 2020 presidential election? Why or why not?
Yes, he won. There is no evidence — zero — of any fraud or inaccurate results of any consequence to invalidate the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. The election was free and fair. The Republicans’ fallacious claims were thrown out for lack evidence in all 64 courts that they filed suit, many in front of Republican or Trump appointed judges. For those who continue to believe or promote the ‘Big Lie,” they are misinformed, delusional, or purposely lying to maintain political power at the expense of our democracy.

Win or lose, will you pledge to accept the results of your own campaign and the 2024 presidential election?
Yes, I will always honor the results of any free and fair Election, just as I did in 2020. A key precept of the democratic form of government we cherish and constantly strive to improve upon, is that its legitimacy and moral power is justified and lawful only if the people consent to it through free and fair elections. That was what we had in 2020. Yet for the first time in history, that compact was dishonored, and the peaceful transfer of executive power was flagrantly violated by former President Trump, who tried to illegally overturn the results of a free and fair election.

Do you support or oppose an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices? What other changes would you support to restore respect for the court?
I support various reforms to the Supreme Court, including a term limitation on service. I also favor expansion of the court. Nine is not a magic number, and the court has changed in size historically. The current figure is not in the Constitution. With our growth as a nation, we must expand the court to ensure it is representative of the diversity of the American tapestry. The current court has issued recent opinions on guns and women’s rights that are diametrically in conflict with the values most Americans. A diverse and expanded court would help eliminate opinions that are based on an out-of-touch, minority viewpoint.

Describe in detail any demographic, economic or social factor about your congressional district that sets it apart from others.  
Florida Congressional District 25 is unlike most districts in the country in that we are a microcosm of America’s broader diversity. We have a large and growing Hispanic population, comprised mainly of Cubans, Venezuelans, Puerto Ricans and Colombians. We also have a significant Black population comprised mostly of African Americans and citizens from Caribbean nations. Finally, we have a large and active Jewish population.

I believe the diverse nature of this district is a strength, not a weakness. When you travel this district like I do, you gain invaluable insights which leads to a far more intricate understanding and appreciation of your constituents’ points of view that you rarely can experience anywhere else in the country.

An unfortunate common experience of many residents is personal or familial flight from persecution, from Holocaust survivors and those fleeing persecution in Venezuela to those escaping political unrest in Haiti. I do all I can to highlight their stories, provide assistance and fight for their protection through my role as their voice in Congress.

This District is also situated entirely in Broward County. I am fortunate to represent the pristine but eroding beaches in the east to the unique and magnificent River of Grass in the west and some historic cities and towns and pristine areas in-between. I fight in Congress to preserve these natural treasures for the next generation, and because they are pivotal in terms of tourism, a main artery in our economic engine.

Our residents in CD-25 do not take our unique and diverse community for granted. We have challenges like all communities, but we work well together to improve our lives and the lives of our families, friends and neighbors. Our diversity is our strength, and it helps our children grow up with a unique perspective and empathy that is scarce in many communities across the country.

Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime, received a withheld adjudication or had a matter sealed or expunged? If yes, please explain. 

Have you been a plaintiff or defendant in a civil action, including bankruptcy or foreclosure or had a restraining order issued against you? If so, please explain.