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With Conservative and Reform synagogue attendance declining, many shuls are operating without a full-time cantor or rabbi. With many Jewish people admitting that they do not have a relationship with Israel, arguing vehemently that there is no God, the question must be asked “where do you want Judaism to be in the next 50 years?”

Authors and modern-day prophets tell us where it will be but the actual answer is do you want it to be? Do you want to continue as a religion? Before you answer remember what a religion is: The worship and belief in a super being that controls events. Without a God and worship then Judaism is not a religion. With the exception of the Orthodox who continue to practice original Judaism in a modified form as there no sacrifices, 70% of Jews believe that God does not exist.

If we are not a religion what’s left? Are we a nation of people? A nation is defined as a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. Yet, 50 years from now what will we have in common? Our traditions and practices could no longer be in existence. It won’t be language, since few mainstream Jewish people know conversational or prayer book Hebrew. If Israel is not supported and is ultimately destroyed, then we no longer have a country or territory. We could maintain a descent however, 50-100 years from now with the majority of Jews intermarrying that disappears.

Let’s talk culture. Its definition is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group. Without belief what could we possibly point to as our material traits and what is meant by the social form of being Jewish?

The answer lies in the original question: What is your vision? It is becoming quite obvious with the exception of the Orthodox that many Jewish people today are busy trying to convince others that there is no God, no reason to worship and what happens in the state of Israel is not necessarily part of my concern as it doesn’t affect me.

All to often at Jewish events, people I never met begin a dialogue with me that there is no God and never was. Without even asking me what my belief is their mission in starting the conversation was to either find someone who agreed with them or convince somebody who didn’t. By the way I am Conservative.

The next time I am engaged I will simply ask two questions. What is the benefit of convincing another Jewish person that there is no God? if successful in the argument what is the benefit of convincing every Jew who currently believes in God that there is no God? There are so many Jewish people who died throughout history because other religions, cultures and nations we’re obsessed with trying to get us to convert and abandon our heritage history and ancestral background.

I will also ask “If you are right, what is your vision of the Jewish people in the next 50 years?”

One can suggest that the main theme of this article is to convince the reader that Judaism’s only possibility of continued survival is its return to our original modified religious roots. Perhaps it’s an attempt to get Jewish people to return to worship occasionally, to family-oriented Jewish activities, holidays, food and vital components that have allowed us to survive history.

I opened with a question “Where do you want Judaism to be in the next 50 years? Is it so reprehensible to have a vision that synagogues return to its vibrant status of only 30-40 years ago and was the center focus of a person’s life? Synagogues provided social activities, emotional support, spiritual fulfillment, youth, adult, Israeli programming, clergy for fulfilling guidance, trained cantors leading services in a meaningful way and the weekly Torah parsha text and application in today’s complex society.

The challenge today is to select your vision where you want to see Judaism in the next 50 to 100 years. It comes down to two choices: a vibrant people excited about their identity, heritage, culture and worship practices or independent thought that provides an opportunity for future historians’ writings that would ask “Whatever happened to the Jews?”

The vision and choice of the two alternatives answers the question.

Andy Greenberg, who resides in Lake Worth, is a sought after Jewish lecturer and educator and a former national radio personality heard by millions daily nationwide and who produced and hosted his own TV talk show.

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