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This is the second in a series of articles about increasing synagogue memberships from 12% to 24% of South Florida’s Jewish community leading up to the High Holidays.

I have heard that one of the many reasons for not joining a synagogue in South Florida is that the Jewish community is so large, we can find Jews anywhere and not have to go join to “be with our people.”

This of course is true! We can be found in the over 55 communities, in the pool, clubhouse, Mah Jongg, Canasta, Jewish heritage clubs, book clubs, JCCs, etc. How can a synagogue compete with that especially since most of these activities are free or included in the HOA fees?

Ever hear the expression, “been there, done that?” The activities above are always with the same people! The synagogue provides an opening to include new people into our lives from all the communities in the area that we live.

The synagogue adds one dimension though that cannot be found anywhere else: “A spiritual experience of a lifetime.” Rarely does a person leave a worship service in a bad mood (unless the sermon is too long!) As a matter of fact, research has shown that in any religion, the more one observes the happier they are. The same research, compiled by the Gallup Poll of over 300,000 Americans published in 2013 concluded that the Jewish people are the happiest in the country and the 12% that are affiliated therefore are near the top of the list.

A synagogue is a safe place to be! A Stanley Morgan survey about safety concluded that being in a synagogue is the safest place to be.

*20% of all fatal accidents occur in automobiles.

*17% of all accidents occur in the home.

*14% of all accidents involve pedestrians.

*16% of all accidents involve travel by air, rail, or water.

*32% of all deaths occur in hospitals.

Happily, however, only point .001% of all deaths occur during synagogue services, and these are usually related to previous physical conditions.

In addition to the ideas published in the last article for synagogues to offer, here are a few more.

1. At the beginning of the school year, have each parent walk down the synagogue main aisle on the first day of school or Shabbat with their student and delivered to the teacher (like a bride marching down the aisle). As they walk down a narrator tells the crowd who they are, what they like and why they are glad to be here.

2. Programming can include Jewish cooking contests and arts crafts for adults and families.

3. Synagogues expansion of Talmud Torah to include high school classes. Temple Torat Emet in Boynton Beach is anticipating 41 students this year and 30 adults who signed up for a similar course.

4. Evening programming can be provide great shows like Temple Anshei Shalom in Delray Beach that attracts an average of 500 people for the monthly performance and other events during the year.

5. Online registration for all courses should be part of a website

6. Synagogues should create gatherings for widows and widowers looking for companionship outside of the communities they live in.

7. Just like any other speaker who published their theme, topic or message in advance, rabbi’s should promote the Life Enriching Message of the week ( If a donkey could talk, would you listen? What hidden messages are we not listening to every day?)

Every year we review our insurance policies and look for options. Same old, same old will keep us old. Shul shopping is a great way to insure that we are getting the most out of life by joining.

Andy Greenberg is a lecturer and member of the board of directors at Temple Anshei Shalom and teaches at Temple Torat Emet, grades three through adult. He is an established lay leader of services, a Jewish educator for 25 years as well as participating in membership, ritual, youth, educational and search committees in the various cities that he has lived in. He wrote a song dedicated to Shabbat and lives in Lake Worth.

Originally Published: