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Listen to the new season of the Felonious Florida podcast: Innocence Sold


At just after midnight on May 20th, 2017, a 15-year-old girl walks out of her Fort Lauderdale home with no explanation and disappears into the darkness. She left behind everything she owns except the clothes she was wearing. At first, the police believe she ran away from home and they make little effort to find her. But clues begin to emerge: A candle she left burning near her bed; a baffling mark she made on her wall calendar; mysterious phone calls. A pile of evidence stacks up and brings Sophie Reeder’s family to a devastating revelation: The night she vanished, she was walking into a world of violence. One where death is always lurking. And survivors escape with their lives shattered. These are girls who are manipulated, tricked and lured away from their families. These are their terrifying stories, and a deep look into why dangerous, violent predators keep getting away with destroying young lives.

Visit to hear the complete new season, as well as Seasons 1 and 2.

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