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Hollywood’s ex-chief snapped up by Broward Sheriff’s Office


Retirement for Chad Wagner, Hollywood’s former top cop, lasted all of nine days.

Wagner, 52, retired as Hollywood’s police chief on Jan. 25, ending a 30-year career with the department.

On Monday, he started his new job with the Broward Sheriff’s Office as a captain.

Hollywood Commissioner Linda Sherwood said she was not at all surprised.

“He’s so highly qualified, he could get a job anywhere,” she said. “I know he will do a fantastic job.”

Wagner could not be reached for comment Thursday, but told agency spokeswoman Veda Coleman-Wright: “He likes the direction Sheriff Scott Israel is taking the agency and is pleased to be a part of the team.”

Wagner landed the job after several chats with Israel, who took over the agency on Jan. 8 after beating incumbent Al Lamberti in November’s election.

“He approached me and told me he was getting ready to retire from Hollywood,” Israel said. “He’s an outstanding individual with an outstanding record. I consider us very lucky to be able to have him come aboard.”

As Hollywood’s chief, Wagner earned a yearly salary of $134,600.

Wagner will make $111,410 a year at the Sheriff’s Office. He must stay eight years to become vested in the pension.

Israel could not say where Wagner would be assigned, but said he should know more in two weeks.

“I can’t say he’ll go to City A or City B or City C,” Israel said. “We can’t just place a captain or a chief in a contract city without the approval of the city manager and the city’s selection team. He may not go to a city. He may work in a special ops area, or administration, or wherever I need him the most.”

In Hollywood, Wagner rose to the rank of chief in March 2008, taking over for James Scarberry. Wagner’s predecessor retired in November 2007 after four Hollywood cops were convicted of escorting stolen diamonds, artwork and heroin for undercover FBI agents posing as mobsters.

In 2011, Wagner was among 11 hopefuls aspiring to the job of U.S. Marshal for the Southern District of Florida, but the job went to someone else.

In early January, Hollywood commissioners squabbled over Wagner’s impending departure. Some wanted the city manager to work out a deal for him to stay.

But Mayor Peter Bober said that wasn’t an option based on city rules. Wagner was forced to leave Hollywood because he had reached the end of his deferred retirement plan, otherwise known as the DROP.

Hollywood’s city manager named Maj. Vince Affanato as interim chief in mid-January. He will serve in that role until Wagner’s replacement is found.

Hollywood officials have said they plan to seek Wagner’s replacement from within the department. or 954-356-4554

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