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The first 2024 presidential debate is seen on TV between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump, hosted by CNN, in Atlanta on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Yuri Gripas/Abaca Press/TNS)
The first 2024 presidential debate is seen on TV between President Joe Biden and Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump, hosted by CNN, in Atlanta on Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Yuri Gripas/Abaca Press/TNS)
Sun Sentinel favicon.

I’ve been an avid reader of the Sun Sentinel’s Opinion page for quite some time. I appreciate how it presents both sides.

Recent letters to the editor from Neal Bluestein of Boca Raton caught my attention. I wonder if he represents MAGA or simply believes that Donald Trump will bring stability and world peace to the presidency.

It’s a conundrum. Neal and I used to work as umpires together. We never discussed politics but we did confer on rules and plays. The right call was always made. Have times changed?

It troubles me how politics has stifled cooperation and compromise. When I ask friends why they support Trump, they have no clear answer.

What will Trump do for his followers? Savings accounts won’t grow, food prices won’t drop, interest rates will rise and immigration will suffer. MAGA members won’t work the sugar cane fields or pick crops, but they will complain about job scarcity.

Trump’s desire for acceptance in New York society is palpable. He has been shunned for four decades. As a convicted criminal, this won’t change. He lies, cheats and steals from friends, business partners, investors and the government.

How can anyone accept such a leader?

The economy isn’t controlled by the president. It operates on supply and demand. Trump’s proposed tariffs on imported goods will burden the middle class.

Retribution is Trump’s modus operandi. He targets those who don’t show fealty to him. He disregards constitutional rights and women’s rights. As for world peace, isolationism and nationalism seem likely under Trump. Republicans face a critical decision. In my eyes, the right call is clear.

Arnie Schwartz, Boynton Beach

The immunity decision

It’s a good thing for our country that the Supreme Court clarified the ruling on immunity for our presidents.

Had the court not addressed the issue, President Biden might have been sued and/or charged for murder or manslaughter for the loss of those 13 soldiers in Afghanistan, due to his irresponsible withdrawal procedures.

Darlene C. Sacks, Fort Lauderdale

Do just the opposite

Is the Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz who wants Democrats to desist from “pearl-clutching and hand-wringing” and support the re-election of the clearly declining Joe Biden the same Debbie Wasserman Schultz who worked to sabotage the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign?

I think it’s safe to do the opposite of what the congresswoman says.

Kevin Schoeler, Fort Lauderdale

Stanley goes for a swim

It is great that the Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup. It was nice to see workers wearing white gloves and shining the Cup.

But it was disgraceful to see the way the Panthers players filled it with beer and poured it on fans, then took the Cup for a swim in the Atlantic Ocean.

Shame on them.

Peter K. Eckert, Plantation

Panthers know how to party

Too many times we have witnessed arrests, serious injury and destruction following a major championship sporting event celebration.

Florida Panthers fans showed the nation how you can celebrate a Stanley Cup victory without violence and property damage. Hundreds of thousands of fans converged on the Fort Lauderdale barrier island for the Panthers’ championship parade.

Kudos to the team, fans, public safety officials and city leaders for hosting and participating in a safe parade. Hopefully, the Panther celebration will showcase to the nation how to act, have fun, and enjoy a championship.

Bill Brown, Fort Lauderdale