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Questionnaire: Deborah Adeimy, candidate for U.S. House District 22

Deborah Adeimy is a Republican candidate for U.S. House District 22. (courtesy, Deborah Adeimy)
Deborah Adeimy is a Republican candidate for U.S. House District 22. (courtesy, Deborah Adeimy)

Name: Deborah Adeimy

Campaign website:

Date, place of birth: West Palm Beach FL / 1969

Education: BSBA Finance, (Loyola Univ., Thomas Edison / CFP Florida Atlantic Univ.

Occupation: Fiduciary and Investment Advisor

Work history for the past 15 years, starting with the most recent. (Do not attach a resume.)  
JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch

My FINRA and U.S. SEC is publicly viewable; Ser7, S63, S65, FL-2-15, CFP, AI

Why are you running for this office, and what specifically makes you a better candidate than your opponent?
Palm Beach County has changed immensely since Lois Frankel arrived in 1974. We as longtime residents have observed her tirades, infamous temper, Frankel’s pay-to-play scandals that still exist in West Palm Beach, at least three supreme court dramas and Frankel still speaks like it is 1974. Lois Frankel has boldly gone extreme far-left in recent years, which does not represent Palm Beach County.
As a 5th generation family here in my hometown, I am knowledgeable of this complex, diverse district and voters’ needs. I also have significant business, finance and economic expertise. Unlike my opponents, I don’t hide my background nor biography.
It is publicly viewable Dan Franzese has not worked for an American based company since 2008. Franzese has been employed with Banque Nationale du Canada since 2011, headquartered in Montreal, but often yells about his awesome America First creds and every, look at me, Mr. Trump, bullet point.
I have been ongoing vetted by FINRA firms for over 25 years, the U.S. SEC and I am in the FBI database — because of my job — making Dan Franzese’s claims more absurd and impossible.
Regardless, Franzese sent creepy attack mailers on my “Financial Mismanagement” because his research team found no negatives on me, describing a 2008 HOA quarterly fee paid on my prior home as a “foreclosure” on my current home.
In 1998, Georgia mailed my state income tax form to me in Florida after I briefly worked at Merrill Lynch in Atlanta 26 years ago — but Franzese printed “Tax Lien in Georgia.”
Unlike my opponents, I have lifelong friends, relatives and colleagues throughout the district, and I have been involved in several business, community and charitable organizations for decades.
The only formidable candidate to run against Frankel was Adam Hasner in 2012. Although the district was far more blue/Democrat, with President Obama on the same ballot for reelection, Hasner still holds the best performance here, a 9% loss.
On the contrary, in a Republican surge with DeSantis on the same ballot in 2022, Dan Franzese lost to Frankel by 10.5% while DeSantis historically won the county.
Dan mistakenly thought he could buy the FL-22 House Seat, self-funding $1.4 million and was furious when I joined the race January 2022, eight months later than him, spent $200,000 and we tied to a recount in 2022.
The only person running for FL-22 that is familiar with my hometown district is Lois Frankel. A fun fact, my Grandfather who flew in WWII along with Mr. Rinker, came back home and built The Colony hotel in Palm Beach (named The Gold View then in 1947).
Dan Franzese is a lifelong New Yorker who panicked during Covid and escaped to a fixer-upper condo he just purchased in Palm Beach County.
It is delusional Franzese admits in a video interview he “actually wants to be Director of the FBI or maybe something higher, head of all Law Enforcement.” Dan Franzese admits he has no law enforcement experience, nor is he an attorney to be President Trump’s Attorney General, but “that is what makes me well qualified and it would be an interesting job.”
Newly arrived Andrew Gutmann owns no home nor has filed to be a Florida resident and has now rented in West Palm Beach less than one year. Gutmann now being a pending first time voter for any party at almost 50 years old and running for U.S. Congress is unprecedented yet, alarming.
Sadly he has gathered a lot of money from distraught, trusting Jewish voters, who did no research. Gutmann’s uncovered bashing Trump articles from 2016-2021 are a significant problem.

What are the three most important issues facing this congressional district?
Housing prices, inflation, insurance / illegal immigration, schools, healthcare / Education, attention and opportunity for communities still poor and neglected for decades

What more should America be doing to protect our environment and critical ecosystems?
It is frustrating and exhausting to yell into a hurricane, China and India are dismissive. I really appreciate ocean, coral, coastal preservation, sea life, beaches preservation.

What is your opinion of how Israel has conducted its military operations in Gaza?
I am not completely knowledgeable to give an informed answer but I do know, when America was attacked on 9/11 and at Pearl Harbor December 7th we were not told to stand down. I attended an amazing gathering at the Palm Beach Synagogue days after October 7th invited by the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County that I support. It was powerfully memorable for me, and specifically recall the Rabbi said, Israel is the only Country where its National military has Defense in the name, Israel Defense Forces.

Do you support or oppose the Florida abortion rights measure known as Amendment 4, and why?
The Amendment 4 is dangerous and intentionally deceptive language intended to be extreme counters, includes late term abortion, safety protocols, parental consent for minors

Do you support or oppose reinstating the federal assault weapons ban? What other changes would you support to reduce gun violence in the U.S.?
Oppose. More programs for respecting and treating mental illness. Special education bonuses/certs paid training for teachers, mental health awareness, symptoms and more “Guidance Counselors” in schools — teachers are so underpaid.

Did Joe Biden legitimately win the 2020 presidential election? Why or why not?
What a mess that election was during Covid chaos. Did you know June 2024 marks 30 years for the OJ Simpson. mystery murder and it is still unsolved?

Win or lose, will you pledge to accept the results of your own campaign and the 2024 presidential election?
Is [Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections] Wendy Link and VR Systems going to shut down the servers again after the polls close Primary Election night?

Do you support or oppose an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices? What other changes would you support to restore respect for the court?
I have respect for the Supreme Court and don’t believe it needs restoring. It is something to be considered; people did not live to 80-90 years old back then.

Describe in detail any demographic, economic or social factor about your congressional district that sets it apart from others.  
Palm Beach County CD FL-22 is everything, everyone – I can describe every area…

Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime, received a withheld adjudication or had a matter sealed or expunged? If yes, please explain.

Have you been a plaintiff or defendant in a civil action, including bankruptcy or foreclosure or had a restraining order issued against you? If so, please explain.