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Questionnaire: Darlene Cerezo Swaffar, Republican candidate for U.S. House District 23

Darlene Cerezo Swaffar is a Republican candidate for U.S. House District 23. (courtesy, Darlene Cerezo Swaffar)
Darlene Cerezo Swaffar is a Republican candidate for U.S. House District 23. (courtesy, Darlene Cerezo Swaffar)

Name: Darlene Cerezo Swaffar

Campaign website:

Date, place of birth: October 4, 1966, Manhattan NYC New York

Education: Associates from St. John’s University, 126 Credits completed at FIU

Occupation: Owner CEO, Sunshine Insurance Associates, Insurance Broker

Work history for the past 15 years, starting with the most recent.
May 2018 to Present
Owner Sunshine Insurance Associates. Trademarked as The Medicare Lady. I run a successful Medicare Health Insurance Agency

2011 to 2017
Career Agent selling Medicare Health Insurance for Humana

Why are you running for this office, and what specifically makes you a better candidate than your opponent?
Watching the news unfold and all the corruption being revealed of our elected officials has led me to run for Congress in FL CD23. I want to ensure that my son and all of our children have an unlimited future in our country.
My 10 years of Corporate Finance and Accounting Experience will be valuable to help curb the out-of-control spending. As a Business Owner, I believe my expertise in Problem Solving and Strategic Thinking would be an asset. I am the only candidate in this race with expertise in Medicare, trademarked as The Medicare Lady. In addition, our community is comprised of 30% elderly, and my goal is to protect Medicare and Social Security for our Seniors.
Finally, I believe it is time to send a new kind of Leader, one that is focused on bringing integrity and morals back to the halls of Congress.
Fighting Local Issues:
Fighting Local Issues on behalf of the Community and Campaign:
⦁ I stood up for medical freedom when our beaches were closed.
⦁ I helped parents draft demand letters against the Broward County School Board when they overreached their authority.
⦁ I opposed the Broward County School Board’s mandate for C19 vaccines for children, providing facts on the ingredients and their unlawful mandate, ultimately shutting them down.
⦁ I fought for election integrity against the Broward and Palm Beach County Supervisors of Elections.
⦁ Being politically targeted with slander and lawsuits, I studied the court’s civil rules of procedure and learned how to file motions. This experience is a testament to how a small business owner who is a problem solver and strategic thinker can learn the issue, master the process to find a solution, and win.

What are the three most important issues facing this congressional district?
⦁ Reducing Inflation, Restoring our Energy Independence and improving our economy
⦁ Securing the Border and tightening Immigration Policy
⦁ Protecting Medicare and Social Security. Updating the Benchmark Income for Taxing Retirees
⦁ Education Reform for our Children to equip them with a better future

What more should America be doing to protect our environment and critical ecosystems?
1. Protecting Public Lands and Ecosystems
Why it’s important: Public lands and ecosystems provide essential services such as clean air and water, habitat for wildlife, and recreational opportunities. Protecting these areas helps preserve biodiversity and ensures the health of natural systems that humans and wildlife depend on.
Here are some key action items to consider:
⦁ Expanding Protected Areas: Increase the number and size of protected areas, national parks, and wildlife refuges to provide safe havens for biodiversity and natural habitats.
⦁ Sustainable Land Management: Implement practices to prevent deforestation, habitat destruction, and degradation of ecosystems. Promote reforestation and afforestation projects.
⦁ Conservation Efforts: Enhance conservation programs that protect endangered species and restore degraded ecosystems. Support projects that reintroduce native species and control invasive species.
⦁ Community Involvement: Engage local communities in conservation efforts, ensuring they have a stake in protecting their environment and are equipped with the knowledge and resources to contribute to preservation.
2. Sustainable Agriculture
Why it’s important: Sustainable agriculture reduces environmental impacts, conserves water, improves soil health, and promotes biodiversity. It ensures that farming practices are environmentally friendly and can continue to provide food without depleting natural resources.
Key Actions Items:
⦁ Promote Organic and Regenerative Farming: Encourage practices that enhance soil health, increase biodiversity, and reduce chemical inputs. Techniques include crop rotation, composting, and no-till farming.
⦁ Reduce Chemical Use: Minimize the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, which can harm ecosystems and pollute waterways. Support the use of natural pest control and organic fertilizers.
⦁ Water Conservation: Implement efficient irrigation systems and water management practices to conserve water resources. Promote the use of drought-resistant crops and rainwater harvesting.
⦁ Support Local Food Systems: Encourage the production and consumption of locally grown food to reduce transportation emissions and support sustainable farming practices.

What is your opinion of how Israel has conducted its military operations in Gaza?
The issue of Israel’s military operations in Gaza is highly complex and controversial, with opinions varying widely depending on perspectives and interpretations of the situation.
As the only Democracy in that region, and the fact that Israel is our Ally, we need to provide resources for Israel to defend itself against Hamas and terrorist attacks.
To return the focus to peace negotiations, it is essential to build on the diplomatic momentum of the Abraham Accords by ensuring Palestinian inclusion in future talks and addressing their core grievances. Economic cooperation and development can also create a more conducive environment for peace by improving living standards and reducing tensions.

Given the multifaceted nature of the situation, any assessment of Israel’s military operations in Gaza needs to account for the complexity of the conflict, the perspectives of those involved, and the broader geopolitical context. It’s crucial to support efforts that prioritize the protection of civilians, adherence to international law, and the pursuit of a just and lasting peace.

Do you support or oppose the Florida abortion rights measure known as Amendment 4, and why?
I will be Voting No on Amendment 4. The Florida Legislature passed the heartbeat bill which does provide provisions for cases where the life of the mother is in jeopardy or in the case of rape of incest. They heard the voices of Floridians on this specific issue.

The decision to end life rest with the mother, her family and God.

Do you support or oppose reinstating the federal assault weapons ban? What other changes would you support to reduce gun violence in the U.S.?
Reducing gun violence does not happen by limiting the gun rights of law abiding citizens. A criminal will not respect the law and will find a way to obtain a weapon. The only way to stop a criminal with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.

Did Joe Biden legitimately win the 2020 presidential election? Why or why not?
No, Biden is an illegitimate President.

Win or lose, will you pledge to accept the results of your own campaign and the 2024 presidential election?
If there is election fraud, I would file a complaint.

Do you support or oppose an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices? What other changes would you support to restore respect for the court?
I would support term limits for the Supreme Court Justices.

Describe in detail any demographic, economic or social factor about your congressional district that sets it apart from others.
One third of the district are Seniors. I have been working with Seniors for close to 14 years in my profession and I feel that I uniquely understand their concerns and needs.

There are 71,309 Voters in the District that are Hispanic. I am the only Hispanic Candidate the race. Winning would make history and I would be the first Hispanic to serve in Congress for Broward and Palm Beach County.

Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime, received a withheld adjudication or had a matter sealed or expunged? If yes, please explain.

Have you been a plaintiff or defendant in a civil action, including bankruptcy or foreclosure or had a restraining order issued against you? If so, please explain.
Yes I was a Defendant in a Civil Action brought on me by a Political Operative who entered my Campaign in 2022. I represented myself pro se and won the case and now he has to pay my legal fees.