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Questionnaire: Joe Thelusca, Republican candidate for U.S. House District 23

Joe Thelusca is a Republican candidate for U.S. House District 23. (courtesy, Joe Thelusca)
Joe Thelusca is a Republican candidate for U.S. House District 23. (courtesy, Joe Thelusca)

Name: Rev. Joseph (Joe) V. Thelusca

Campaign website:

Date, place of birth: 5/12/1976; Haiti

Education: Master’s In Divinity (Seminary) M.A Counseling, B.S Health & Nutrition

Occupation: Pastor, Business Consultant (Thelusca Global Consulting Group)

Work history for the past 15 years, starting with the most recent.
Senior Pastor at Allegheny East Conference SDA.
Special Advisor to Provost at Seton Hall University
President & CEO Thelusca Global Consulting Group

Why are you running for this office, and what specifically makes you a better candidate than your opponent? 
I am running for this congressional office because I am passionate about making positive changes in the lives of the residents of this district. I want to address the pressing issues that are affecting our community, such as high property insurance costs, heavy traffic, housing affordability, and homelessness. I believe that as a resident of this district, I understand the needs and concerns of the people better than anyone else.

What sets me apart from my opponent is my unique background and qualifications. I came to this country as a young teenager, not speaking English, and through hard work and determination, I was able to excel in school and in my career. I was elected to a local school board at a young age, making me the youngest elected official in the state. I have also worked for two Republican governors and a U.S. Republican President, which has given me valuable experience in government and politics.

In 2017, I was a finalist for the position of U.S. Ambassador to Haiti, my native country. This experience has given me insight into diplomacy and foreign relations, which will be valuable in my role as a congressman. Additionally, my background as a Black Preacher has allowed me to build strong relationships with leaders in the faith community, particularly in Black churches. I believe that I can rally strong support from minority communities and religious groups, which will be crucial in winning this election.

I am confident that I am the best candidate to represent this district because I understand the needs of the people and have the experience and qualifications to address them effectively. I am committed to working tirelessly to improve our district and our country as a whole. I believe that with my leadership, we can overcome the challenges we face and create a better future for all residents. I am ready to fight for the people of this district and be a strong voice for change in Congress.

What are the three most important issues facing this congressional district?
As a candidate for Congress, I believe the three most important issues facing this congressional district are the high cost of property insurance, terrible traffic, and the high cost of housing. These issues directly impact the quality of life for residents in our district and must be addressed promptly.

First and foremost, the high cost of property insurance is a significant burden for homeowners in our district. I believe that implementing regulations to lower insurance premiums and increase competition among insurance providers is crucial to alleviate this issue.

Secondly, the terrible traffic in our district not only contributes to increased stress levels but also hinders economic growth. I plan to invest in infrastructure improvements, such as expanding public transportation options and improving roadways, to alleviate congestion and improve the overall flow of traffic.

Lastly, the high cost of housing is a pressing concern that must be addressed. I will work towards creating affordable housing options for our residents, including implementing rent control measures and incentivizing developers to build more affordable housing units.

Friends, addressing these three critical issues requires a comprehensive approach that involves collaborating with local stakeholders and implementing strategic policies. I am committed to working tirelessly to improve the quality of life for all residents in our congressional district.

What more should America be doing to protect our environment and critical ecosystems?
As a candidate for Congress, I believe it is crucial for America to prioritize the protection of our environment and critical ecosystems. While strides have been made in recent years, there is still much more that can be done to ensure the preservation of our planet for future generations.

One solution I propose is the promotion of more renewable energy technologies and programs with incentives for both individuals and businesses. By incentivizing the adoption of solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and decrease harmful greenhouse gas emissions. This will not only benefit the environment, but also create jobs in the growing green energy sector.

In order to implement this solution, Congress can enact policies that provide tax credits and rebates for those who invest in renewable energy technologies. Additionally, partnerships can be formed with private companies to accelerate the development and deployment of these technologies. By working together, we can make significant progress in protecting our environment and critical ecosystems. America has the potential to lead the world in sustainable practices, and it is our responsibility to take action now.

What is your opinion of how Israel has conducted its military operations in Gaza?
As a candidate for Congress, I believe it is important to carefully evaluate and consider the actions of Israel in their military operations in Gaza. While it is undeniable that Israel has the right to defend itself against threats and attacks, it is crucial that all measures are taken to minimize harm to innocent civilians.

The conflict in Gaza is complex and deeply rooted, with both sides experiencing significant losses and suffering. It is imperative that Israel upholds international humanitarian law and principles of proportionality and distinction in their military operations. The loss of civilian lives, including children, is always a tragedy that must be avoided at all costs.

As a strong ally of Israel, the United States must continue to support their right to defend themselves, but we must also advocate for a peaceful resolution to the conflict that respects the rights and dignity of all those involved. It is my belief that diplomacy and dialogue are essential in finding a lasting solution to the conflict in Gaza, and that all parties must come to the table in good faith to work towards a just and sustainable peace.

Do you support or oppose the Florida abortion rights measure known as Amendment 4, and why?
As a candidate for Congress, I cannot support the Florida abortion rights measure known as Amendment 4. As a conservative Christian Pastor, my belief in the sanctity of every life that God creates guides my moral compass. I firmly believe that every life is special and deserving of protection, from the moment of conception to natural death.

Amendment 4, by allowing for unrestricted abortion up to the moment of birth without consideration for the life of the unborn child, goes against my deeply held beliefs and principles. It is essential to value and protect the lives of both the unborn child and the mother, ensuring their health and well-being are of utmost importance.

Additionally, I am a passionate advocate for the homeless community, as I believe that it is crucial to support and care for those who have been born and those who are soon to be born. It is my belief that true compassion and justice require us to protect and uphold the sanctity of all human life.

Do you support or oppose reinstating the federal assault weapons ban? What other changes would you support to reduce gun violence in the U.S.?
As a candidate for Congress, I firmly oppose reinstating the federal assault weapons ban. I believe in the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens to bear arms and protect themselves and their families. However, I also recognize the need for sensible gun reform measures to reduce gun violence in our communities.

One key change I support is implementing universal background checks for all gun purchases. Background checks are a crucial tool to ensure that firearms do not end up in the wrong hands. We must close existing loopholes that allow individuals to purchase guns without undergoing a proper background check.

In addition to background checks, I also support improving access to mental health services and resources for those in need. Addressing the root causes of gun violence, such as mental illness, can help prevent tragedies from occurring. Additionally, investing in community-based violence prevention programs and increasing funding for law enforcement agencies can help reduce gun violence in our neighborhoods.

Overall, I believe in a balanced approach to gun reform that respects the rights of law-abiding citizens while also taking proactive measures to enhance public safety and reduce gun violence in the United States.

Did Joe Biden legitimately win the 2020 presidential election? Why or why not?
As a candidate for Congress, it is imperative to uphold the principles of democracy and respect the integrity of our electoral process. In the case of the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden was declared the winner after a thorough examination of the results and legal challenges.

Despite personal preferences or partisan allegiances, it is crucial to acknowledge and accept the outcome of a fair and transparent election. The democratic foundation of our nation relies on the peaceful transition of power based on the will of the people.

While it is natural to have differing opinions and viewpoints on political matters, it is paramount for elected officials to prioritize the greater good of the country and work towards a unified vision for the future. Moving forward, it is essential to continue to uphold the values of democracy, engage in constructive dialogue, and seek common ground for the betterment of all Americans.

I abide by the democratic process and respect the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election. The focus now is on working towards the GOP winning the 2024 election so we can have a brighter future for all citizens, regardless of political affiliation.

Win or lose, will you pledge to accept the results of your own campaign and the 2024 presidential election?
Running for public office is not just a privilege, but also a responsibility. As a candidate for congress, I understand the importance of upholding the principles of democracy and respecting the will of the voters. Win or lose, I am committed to accepting the results of my own campaign and the 2024 presidential election.

It is crucial for our democratic system to function effectively that all candidates, regardless of the outcome, honor the decision of the voters. This pledge demonstrates a commitment to the democratic process and the foundation of our nation.

The United States is a beacon of democracy, a shining example to the world of how a government should be chosen by the people. I firmly believe in the goodness and the will of the American people, and their ability to make informed decisions at the ballot box.

As a candidate for congress, I pledge to respect the outcome of the election, to work for the betterment of my constituents, and to uphold the values of democracy that are so integral to our country.

Do you support or oppose an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices? What other changes would you support to restore respect for the court?
As a candidate for Congress, I am in favor of implementing an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices. I believe this term limit would help ensure that the court remains fair, impartial, and free from political influence. By establishing a fixed term, we can prevent justices from serving for an extended period of time, potentially losing touch with the changing values and principles of society.

In addition to supporting a term limit, I also believe that transparency and accountability are crucial in restoring respect for the court. One way to achieve this would be to require justices to publicly disclose their financial interests and any potential conflicts of interest. This would help build public trust in the integrity of the court and ensure that decisions are made with the best interests of the American people in mind.

Furthermore, I would support measures to increase diversity on the Supreme Court, both in terms of race, gender, and ideology. A more diverse court would bring a wider range of perspectives and experiences to the table, ultimately leading to more balanced and fair decisions.

I believe that implementing a term limit, promoting transparency and accountability, and increasing diversity are all important steps towards restoring respect for the Supreme Court and ensuring that it remains a beacon of justice and fairness in our democracy.

Describe in detail any demographic, economic or social factor about your congressional district that sets it apart from others.  
As a candidate for Congress, I am honored to represent a district that truly exemplifies the rich tapestry of America. One of the most notable demographic factors about my congressional district is its incredible diversity. We have a significant presence of Jewish Americans, Caribbean Americans, and Brazilian Americans, among many other ethnic groups. This diversity not only makes our district unique, but also fosters a deep sense of community and cultural exchange.

In addition to our diverse population, my congressional district also stands out economically. We have a strong and growing economy, with a mix of small businesses, large corporations, and thriving industries. This economic vitality provides opportunities for job growth and prosperity for all residents, regardless of background or ethnicity.

Furthermore, our district is characterized by a strong sense of social cohesion and unity. Despite our differences, residents come together to support one another and work towards common goals. It is this spirit of collaboration and partnership that sets our district apart and makes it a truly special place to live and work.

In conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of representing such a dynamic and diverse district in Congress. I am committed to promoting policies that will further enhance our economic prosperity, strengthen our social fabric, and celebrate our unique cultural heritage. Together, we can continue to build a brighter future for all residents of our district.

Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime, received a withheld adjudication or had a matter sealed or expunged? If yes, please explain.
NO, never! As a candidate for Congress, I am humbled to say that I have never been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime. I have also never received a withheld adjudication or had a matter sealed or expunged from my record. I believe that it is crucial for those in positions of leadership and responsibility to uphold the law and serve as role models for their constituents.

I am grateful for the guidance and protection that I have received, by God’s grace, throughout my life, and I strive to always conduct myself in a manner that is ethical and honorable. I understand the importance of maintaining a clean record and a reputation of integrity, especially when seeking to represent the interests of the public.

I believe that my clean record reflects my commitment to serving the community with honesty and dedication. I am fully committed to upholding the law, promoting justice, and advocating for the well-being of all individuals. I am prepared to bring my integrity, values, and dedication to public service to the role of a congressman, and I am confident that I can be an effective advocate for the people. Thank you for considering my candidacy.

Have you been a plaintiff or defendant in a civil action, including bankruptcy or foreclosure or had a restraining order issued against you? If so, please explain.
I have not been a plaintiff or defendant in a civil action, including bankruptcy or foreclosure, nor have I had a restraining order issued against me. I fully understand the importance of upholding the law and conducting myself in a responsible and ethical manner.

I believe that individuals running for public office should be held to the highest standards of integrity and transparency. It is essential for elected officials to demonstrate a commitment to serving their community with honesty and integrity.

I am dedicated to representing the interests of my constituents with integrity, fairness, and accountability. I am committed to working tirelessly to address the challenges facing our district and advocating for policies that will improve the lives of all individuals within our community.

I believe that my lack of involvement in civil actions or legal disputes speaks to my character and my ability to serve effectively in Congress. I am confident that I have the necessary qualities and experience to effectively represent the people of our district and work towards building a better future for all.