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Vice President Kamala Harris arrives for an Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote Town Hall, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)
Vice President Kamala Harris arrives for an Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote Town Hall, Saturday, July 13, 2024, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)
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Finally, a ray of sunshine in what appeared to be a losing campaign for Democrats. We now have a bright, articulate woman who can represent the party of the middle class. Donald Trump represents large corporations and billionaires.

Trump is the embodiment of evil, corruption, and amorality. His running mate, JD Vance, once compared him to Hitler and has vowed to cease aid to Ukraine. Their party presents one lie after another and exists to undo all the accomplishments of our great country.

To hell with our allies, the environment, minorities, women and individual rights. Let’s get back to the separation of church and state; to civility and kindness; to a country that’s a paragon of virtue and caring, not one that has turned neighbor against neighbor and alienated family members from each other.

Let’s get back to a country that fosters science and not fear. Let’s keep the United States United — not divided.

Gail Olarsch, Boynton Beach

Democrats must be united

Immediately after President Joe Biden’s withdrawal, an extraordinary thing took place: Democrats from the President to everyday voters immediately coalesced behind Vice President Kamala Harris and we had our best fund-raising day of the entire campaign cycle.

As convention delegates, we have a sacred responsibility to uphold the will of Democratic voters and to choose our nominee, now that the candidate we were pledged to is no longer running.

We understand that the stakes in this election are greater than at any time since the Civil War. Our nation must stand, and our party must unite, against the authoritarian threat posed by convicted felon Donald J. Trump.

As the President made clear, no one else in our party is more qualified and has the necessary resources to defeat Trump. Vice President Harris is qualified and ready to win. The people who elected us want to win in November. We will vote for the nominee who will deliver that outcome.

As delegates, we recognize that we need to get the pain of the past several weeks behind us. We need to work, not reminisce — and we will win.

Charles Horowitz, Weston

The writer is a delegate to the Democratic National Convention.

Harris ‘totally unqualified’

As a registered Republican and a moderate, I normally vote for the candidate I believe is best, regardless of political party. I like many things Trump did as president, but I dislike his big mouth and what I view as a nasty personality.

President Biden recommends Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him. She is totally unqualified. I don’t know of anything she accomplished for America in the past three-and-a-half years. But she has a great laugh and laughs at almost everything.

If Democrats had half a brain, they would nominate Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia for president and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for VP. They are bright middle-of-the-roaders, not left-wing progressives. They would attract Republican voters who dislike Trump.

Unfortunately, the Democratic Party is controlled by the left and would never propose such a ticket. Having been born before FDR’s election in 1932, I won’t see much more of America’s decline, but I fear for my kids and grandkids if Kamala Harris is elected.

Howard Hatoff, Boca Raton

A salute to Joe Biden

I would personally like to thank Joe Biden for stepping aside.

This selfless act stands in stark contrast to Donald Trump, a narcissist who’s consumed by himself.

Can anyone imagine Trump stepping down for the good of the country’s future? That’s a laugh. Biden has more character in his small toenail than Trump has in his entire body. Trump has hurled us into the future by trying to drag us back to the past.

We will now elect a woman president, as so many other advanced countries have already achieved. A salute to Joe Biden — an American hero.

Charles Terban, Hollywood

Originally Published: