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Vice President Kamala Harris and running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz wave as they board Air Force Two, departing Eau Claire, Wis., on August 7, 2024. (Photo by KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Vice President Kamala Harris and running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz wave as they board Air Force Two, departing Eau Claire, Wis., on August 7, 2024. (Photo by KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
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I’ve read letters from writers who extol the virtues of Kamala Harris, but they leave out facts.

Harris was one of the most far-left members of the U.S. Senate, as liberal as Bernie Sanders.

She said in the past she was totally against fracking. She supported access to public health for illegal immigrants. She did nothing as Joe Biden’s point person on the border. A massive wave of illegal immigrants included criminals, at least one of whom is accused of murder.

The stock market dipped this week by 1,000 points and some economists foresee a recession.

Harris has refused to hold a news conference to answer questions.

I don’t like some of Donald Trump’s statements, but with his Abraham Accords, we had peace in the Middle East and prosperity at home. The people deserve a lot better than what Democrats have offered them.

David G. Ellenberg, Pembroke Pines

A champion of freedom

As an Army veteran who proudly served our nation, I’ve seen first-hand the immense strength that comes from unity and the challenges that arise from division. My journey is shaped by my experience in uniform and as a member of the LGBT community.

Our diverse nation finds strength in unity. In my military service, I learned that coming together with a shared purpose enables us to overcome any obstacle and achieve remarkable feats. Whether in peace or conflict, the bonds forged through mutual respect and common goals always prevail.

We now face unprecedented threats to our democracy and we need a leader who fights for our core values. That leader is Kamala Harris.

Like veterans, she is deeply committed to defending our freedoms. From voting rights to a woman’s right to choose, she has consistently held the line against Trump’s anti-freedom agenda. Her experience as a prosecutor uniquely equips her to hold Trump accountable for his criminality and corruption.

Harris’ respect for those who serve is genuine and unwavering. She has championed expanded VA benefits, housing assistance for veterans and a fix for “other than honorable” discharges that have unfairly denied benefits to veterans struggling with chemical exposures, traumatic brain injury and PTSD.

We must remember that our differences are not a weakness but a source of strength. By supporting Kamala Harris, we honor our service and protect our freedoms, ensuring a brighter future for all Americans.

Adriane Reesey, Tamarac  

Thinking of staying home

The upcoming election is a complete farce because of useless information we are receiving from the media and politicians.

We’re supposed to know where the candidates stand on various issues. I will not vote if things don’t change. I will consider not voting as a message to the media, politicians and all others involved that it is very honorable not to vote, rather than try to analyze stupid information thrown at us.

The information being thrown at us is useless, hurtful and often vague, so that it will make everyone happy. I do not favor debates because they often turn out to be the same garbage information that we have already been fed.

Mike Brewer, Boca Raton

Fix airline delays

Hey, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg: I’ve never seen so many airline flight delays and excessively long lines as in the past few years. It’s out of control. If there’s anything you can do about it, I think the people of America would appreciate it. The lack of service is insulting to the American people.

Diane Miller, Plantation

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