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Broward voters must keep Judge Phillips | Endorsement

Broward voters should re-elect Circuit Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips to a new six-year term.
Special to the Sun Sentinel
Broward voters should re-elect Circuit Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips to a new six-year term.
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Broward voters will decide six judicial elections on the Aug. 20 ballot, starting with the Circuit Court Group 1 contest (races appear in numerical order). This highly unusual race features two candidates. One is a highly competent and respected jurist with more than two decades of experience. The other is a rogue candidate who has no visible connections to Broward. She lives near Orlando, and is apparently motivated by political revenge and has refused to campaign or respond to questions. For all we know, she has never set foot in Broward County. Circuit Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips, 61, has been on […]

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